\{\{ ctx.dataset.metas.title \}\}
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This raster map is the Digital Elevation Model of the Berambadi watershed
Aucune limite technique d'usage des données renseignée
- You must mention "Source: IFCWS CEFIRSE BANGALORE INDIA" in every public use of the database as well as works produced from this data set.
- ODC-BY 1.0 license : http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/summary/
This map was created under the Indo French Cell for Water Sciences (IFCWS - CEFIRSE).
Type de représentation: non renseignée
Etendue géographique:
- Ouest: 76.51
- Est: 76.66
- Sud: 11.73
- Nord: 11.82
Système de projection: RGF93 / Lambert-93 (EPSG:2154)
Echelle: non renseignée
Résolution: non renseignée
AltimétrieAltitudeDonnées ouvertesFranceKarnatakaTopography
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