\{\{ ctx.dataset.metas.title \}\}
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This genomic dataset provides highly variable SNP markers from georeferenced natural Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. populations collected in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania.
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Type de représentation: non renseignée
Etendue géographique:
- Ouest: 17.00
- Est: 28.00
- Sud: 42.00
- Nord: 48.00
Système de projection: non renseignée
Echelle: non renseignée
Résolution: non renseignée
Central-Eastern Europe and Balkan PeninsulaMOLECULAR BIOLOGYPOPULATION GENETICSSingle nucleotide polymorphism double digest RAD-seq sessile oak genetic variation
Várkerület u. 30/A
9600.0 Sárvár
Dataset schema
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