\{\{ ctx.dataset.metas.title \}\}

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\{\{ ctx.nhits | number \}\} record

\{\{ ctx.nhits | number \}\} record


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The module climate regionalization of the project “Forest productivity, carbon sequestration, climate change” contributes temporal and spatial high-resolution climate data from 1961 - 2100 for 26.450 points of the German National Forest Inventory. For the retrospective computation of the period 1961 - 2013 the historical daily observation data of climate and precipitation stations of the Deutscher Wetterdienst are regionalized with Geographically Weighted Regression. Future climate change scenarios are simulated with the STARS (2011 – 2050) and REMO (2011 – 2100) based on the MPI ESM ECHAM6 RCP scenarios (2.6, 4.5, 8.5). The NFI 2012 environmental data base climate contains timely aggregated climate information (monthly, seasonal, yearly, multiyearly) and provides the climatic input variables for the forest site water budget modelling and for the forest growth modelling.

Limites techniques d'usage

  • Open Access

Licences et conditions d'utilisation

Informations géographiques

Type de représentation: non renseignée

Etendue géographique:

  • Ouest: 5.80
  • Est: 15.09
  • Sud: 47.16
  • Nord: 55.08

Système de projection: non renseignée

Echelle: non renseignée

Résolution: non renseignée

Documents et ressources

Mots clefs

Climate ResearchEUROPE GERMANYclimate data climate research


Mise à jour inconnue
Publié le \{\{'2018-08-23' | formatMeta:'date' \}\}


Thünen-Institute for Forest Ecosystems

Alfred-Möller-Straße 1

16225.0 Eberswalde


+49 3334 3820 310

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