\{\{ ctx.dataset.metas.title \}\}
Active filters
The AIDB is the Microsoft Access database behind the CBM-CFS3 that stores default ecological information and parameters pertaining to the forest ecosystems of a country, among other functions. The EU-AIDB incorporates 1034 spatial units resulting from the intersection of 204 European administrative regions (defined at the NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 level for most of the EU countries), and 35 ecological boundaries representing climatic units. It also contains updated parameters for 192 of the main tree species reported by the National Forest Inventories of each EU country.
- database to be used with the CBM-CFS3 software (CBMToolsSetup.msi), downloadable on the National Forest Information System, CBM-CFS3 site (https://carbon.nfis.org/cbm)
Type de représentation: non renseignée
Etendue géographique:
- Ouest: -180.00
- Est: 180.00
- Sud: -85.00
- Nord: 85.00
Système de projection: non renseignée
Echelle: non renseignée
Résolution: non renseignée
CBM-CFS3 Archive Index Database European Union Forest modelling Carbon accountingEurope Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland FraFORESTRY
via E Fermi, 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA)
Dataset schema
JSON Schema
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